Monday, September 20, 2010

Back To Reality's been about 3 weeks since I last posted...woops :)

In my last update, I told everyone that I was getting to go to Fort Worth for 2 weeks to help my sister and my baby niece. So September 2nd, I flew to Fort Worth. I was so excited to see my family but even more excited to meet my baby niece, Kynlee. She is perfect. Such a beautiful baby.

So for my first few days in Fort Worth, I just spent time admiring sweet Kynlee. We took her to my dad's coaches office to show her off to the other coaches. You should have seen my dad. He was holding her and walking around asking everyone if they saw "his" baby! :) It was cute to see how proud he is of her. The other coaches with babies of their own were pretty funny, too. They were grinning from ear to ear just looking at her. And Kynlee did so well that day, too. She didn't fuss at all. Such a good baby.

We took Kynlee to the doctor while I was there for her 2 week check up and she had already put on one pound and grown 3/4 of an inch. So crazy how fast babies grow! Erin went to the doctor, too, and she was doing so well so quickly after having a c-section. She was able to do so much more than I anticipated while I was there.

Erin & I made a trip to Lubbock so our family there could meet Kynlee and see me a little bit while I was in Texas...but Kynlee was definitely priority. :) We stopped in Abilene on the way to Lubbock so that Gran and Grandy could meet Kynlee. I was glad we got to see them, even though it was a quick stop. When we got to Lubbock we headed straight to my grandma's house. It was so fun to see my grandma get to meet her great grand baby. Erin and I got a break while our mom, aunt's and grandma spent time holding and taking care of Kynlee. :)

On Saturday, I was blessed to have lunch with some of the women in my life who I love and miss so much. I was so glad to see Kelli, Kim, Cotter, Katie, Ceri, and Misty! It was fun to catch up and hear about their lives. It was short & sweet, but I'm so grateful that we had time to get together.

Sunday, Erin, Kynlee, and I headed back to Fort Worth. My days in Texas we quickly coming to a close. While I was in Fort Worth, I was glad to watch two of Kimber's volleyball games. I hate that I miss out. During my second week there, it was fun to see Kynlee's eyes focus better and actually look at me instead of who knows what. I took so many pictures of her while I was there...I thought everything she did was cute...naturally. :) My last night in Fort Worth I spent time over at my dad's house with Kimbo, Haley and my dad. I feel like I didn't get to see them as much as I would have liked b/c they had to be at work and school....lame...who does that?? haha! But I am still so glad I got to go spend such a good amount of time there. What a blessing to get to spend two weeks with my baby niece...we definitely had bonding time. :)

One thing I did while I was in Fort Worth was read a book called Crazy Love. I know lots of y'all have heard of it and/or read it, but it was a good book. Challenging. Thought provoking. Makes you uncomfortable with the idea of being a "lukewarm" Christian. You really have to read it with an open heart and and open mind. There are times in the book where the author literally tells you to stop and pray before continuing on b/c he knows the next part of the book may be difficult to swallow. I would suggest it, but you have to be ready to internalize the things he talks about in the book. Something else he challenges people to do is to read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) and to take them LITERALLY. Read them as if you've never read the Bible before and never heard about the things Jesus is teaching. Take the words Christ spoke literally. I don't think Jesus would have wasted his breathe otherwise. One other thought from the book that I'll leave you with is the author's challenge to "consider & actually treat others as if they were Christ". Don't you think you'd treat everyone you come in contact with differently?? Your spouse, parents, kids, person behind the counter, teacher, boss, the poor & needy.....

Anywho, I was so glad to get home to see my hubs. 2 weeks is a long time! :) And might I add that I was REALLY glad to get back to 66 degree weather! Praise the Lord! :) Now I can step outside in the middle of the day without melting!

So it's back to reality...being home all day. Bills, cleaning, doing laundry, taking care of my pups, checking out peoples blogs, and updating mine....but I'm glad to be back. I won't be back to Texas until the middle of November or beginning of December, but that's not too long...we can make it. Oh, and we have an apartment set up to live in when we get back to Lubbock! So praise the Lord for that!

Hope you are all doing well! Feel free to call, skype, or e-mail anytime!


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