Monday, July 5, 2010

diet dr.pepper

So most of you know about my addiction to diet dr. pepper. Well I've been in Canada since Wednesday and have not had a diet dr. pepper. So yesterday, I had a hankering to get diet dr. pepper wasted (if you've seen Grown Ups, you get that...haha). I pull up to McDonald's to order my large diet dr. pepper for $1. I place my order, and the lady says "excuse me?". Then I look at the menu and to my extreme disappointment they didn't have diet dr. pepper!!! So I just said "never mind" and pulled away with tears in my eyes....I'm mean not really, but almost :)

So now I'm on a quest to find a fountain diet dr. pepper somewhere in this country. I'll let you know what I find out. Stay posted.


  1. you know...up East they didn't have dr pepper at all. Taylor LOVE LOVE LOVES dr was tough. Hopefully you will be able to find some so you can get DP wasted :)

  2. AW lori! I love your little blog! I have been reading all of your posts..YES! It was tough for me. But, Lori and Kelli..I am proud to say that I haven't had a carbonated beverage in 2 weeks! whoo! Lori, please keep us updated on the search for DDP!
